last modified January 2nd, 2011

Dietrich Tissen
I was born 1978 in Gaj,
province Orenburg, Russia. In 1992 I moved with my family to Germany.
1997 I live in Warendorf (near Münster). My father Andreas Tissen
growned up in Dolinsk, Neu Samara. His parents and the father of my
mother, came also from the Neu Samara settlement. I've study
mathematics with minor subject informatics at Westfälische
Wilhelms-University in Münster 2000 - 2006. After I've graduate in August 2006, I'm now working as programmer for an IT services enterprise. I compose this website together with my cousin

I was born 1983 as third of nine
children in Dolinsk, province Orenburg, Russia. The life and the origin
of my parents, Johann (born in 1954) and Margarethe, nee Reimer, (born
in 1957), is narrowly connected with the German settlement Neu Samara,
although my mother herself is born in Kirghizistan.
In November 1990, when I was almost eight years old, our family moved
Minden (Westphalia) in Germany. Since 1994 we live in Bückeburg in
Lower Saxony. After visiting of five different elementary schools, one
of them in Russia, the visit of a Realschule and afterwards
the Besselgymnasium in Minden, I was in an apprenticeship as draughtsman from august, 2002 till june, 2005. Subsequent to the apprenticeship I work for two months as draughtsman at Bernstein AG. Since september, 2005 I study MB-CAE Maschinenbau - Computer Aided Engineering at Fachhochschule Bielefeld.